Monday, 6 August 2012

Delbert Part 2

Sorry it's taken me so long for a new post, haven't been with my laptop much recently. Hope you enjoy the new post of 'Delbert'. Please let me know what you think, comments and reviews, good and bad are always welcome. I've been working hard on a lot more stories, a couple of novels are approaching the final drafting stages. Enjoy.

Thank you, 

Harry Daniel.

Delbert Grady’s head felt like it was about to split open spilling a thick, goey, alcohol ridden mess onto the floor. His brain felt twice as big as the skull that contained it. He grunted as he rolled off of the soft four poster bed and landed heavily on his hands and knees. He knelt coughing raspily for a moment before struggling under the weight of his body to stand.
When he had risen the room swam violently in front of him, making his movements unsteady and unsure. A warm and lumpy liquid made its way up Delbert’s throat and he was violently sick across the collection of chairs that littered the expensive looking rug of the suite he had woken up in.
More vomit, warm and runny. 
Delbert wandered precariously into the bathroom and set about cleaning him self up. He ran the cold tap on the sink and splashed the cool crisp water over his stubbly face. He closed his eyes. Bitch.
Grady had  heard his wife on the phone the night before. He was wandering past the office and heard her. She was talking to the National guard. Cheating bitch. She was talking about how worrying it was that they were cut off, and asking him to come up and take her away. Cheating bitch!  
Grady sat on the toilet seat. Water dripping steadily from his chin landing in a pool on his shirt. Tears quickly joined the tap water on his cheeks and soon he was blubbering like a baby in the bathroom, alone.
How could this have happened to him. How could his wife be wanting to leave him. Soon he would be alone, no wife, no friends, no family. He stood shakily and glared at his reflection.
Delbert Grady screamed at himself. All the pain and anger and torment of the past few days exploded out of him, spittle flying from his lips, landing in little droplets on the mirror, blurring his reflection. The walls seemed to close around him, trapping him. The scream was still flying out of his coarse throat and finally, after what seemed like hours rather than seconds the scream stopped and, exhausted Grady collapsed on the carpeted floor and leant against the back of the bathroom door.
The thick brown carpet crept up between his fingers like rising towers of a cathedral. Delbert liked the soft touch that the carpet had between his fingers, the way a child liked the touch of a blanket. If only his own mother had been as comforting as the carpet, how different things might have been.
He could almost hear his mothers voice drift softly to him from some far away paradise. Her voice cushioned by softly heavenly tones.
Delbert stood shakily to his feet, his knees unsure on the weight. He could hear his mothers voice, calling to him, louder and louder. He was sure of it. With every gentle tone that kissed Delbert’s ears he was more sure of it. He stumbled out of the bathroom in search of his mothers voice calling to him. Shakily he approached the double doors of the suite. Grady was certain that the source of the voice was from behind the thick wooden doors. A trembling hand twisted the door handle and Grady pulled the door open.
But his mother wasn’t there. Somewhere in the back of his mind Delbert knew that she couldn’t be, he’d buried her six years ago and hadn’t shed a tear on the matter.
Standing in the corridor was a beautiful, slim, young red haired girl. She was wearing a maids outfit with the Overlook’s emblem of the breast pocket. Although Grady couldn’t imagine Ullman approving her attire. She wore simple black shoes, filled with white frilly stockings that Delbert could follow all the way up he perfectly toned legs. The stockings cut off mid-thigh in little white bows. Above this was a skimpy white silk skirt, which was so high up the leg that Delbert could see most of her frilly panties, also white. Her torso was covered by a black shirt, cut off just below the shoulder. It was unbuttoned to her stomach and her large breasts spilled out, screaming at Grady to look at them. Her face had little make-up plastered onto it, but she wore red lipstick, darker than her hair, which itself spilled over her shoulders in red curls.
“Hello Mr. Grady,” her voice was more gentle and pleasant than his mothers although the tone was similar. “I’ve been sent here to see if there’s... anything you need.” The extra emphasis on ‘anything’ sent Delbert’s knees trembling.
“I-“ Delbert was lost for words. A mix of the screaming and crying and adrenaline had destroyed his throat leaving his whole mouth dry.  His knees were shaking uncontrollably as the adrenaline was pumped around his blood.
The girl stepped forwards into the room and pushed her right index finger onto his lips. Next she took his right hand in hers and placed it firmly on her breasts. The scene reminded Delbert of an erotic film in which the experienced harlot guides the unsure virgin through his first sexual experience. All thoughts of his mother retreated from Delbert’s mind. Then he kissed her. A passionate kiss, more than he had ever shown his wife or any other woman.
Some primal part of his mind was taking over. Delbert stopped thinking rationally and all thoughts were gone. Only instinct remained the nature to mate and to breed exploding out of him. All because of this woman. He wanted her with every fibre of his body and struggled to contain his excitement. He was fully consumed by the kiss, willing it to turn into something more. All he wanted was to mate, to breed and to be with this woman. No love, no emotion, no loyalty. Just sex.
And as quickly as she had initiated the kiss it had finished. She pulled away and stepped out of his reach.
“But first you have to do something for me.” Grady’s heart was in his mouth.
“Anything...” He said without really thinking about it.
“Well, Delbert, you wouldn’t want people to call me a whore would you? You wouldn’t want me to be like your wife would you?” Delbert shook his head. “Well then Delbert, your wife has to go. Then we can be...” She stepped towards him and fiddled with the buttons on his shirt. She pulled his head towards her lips and with a warm, lustful breath whispered; “...together.”  The word seemed to explode off of her lips. “You can’t get a divorce yet though. She’ll take everything you have, she’ll take your house, your money and replace you with Dirty Dan the gardening man. You’ll have to get rid of her another way Delbert.” She stepped away from him again, toying with him. “Get her out Delbert and whilst you’re at it get those brats out too... they’d only interrupt us.”
She seemed suddenly so cruel but Delbert knew that it made sense to him. His wife was cheating on him with that park ranger, and god knows how many others. She didn’t deserve to be around him any longer. And nor did the kids, they could go with her, they would interrupt him and the girl.
“But... How? She won’t leave. She wouldn’t go outside.”
The girl took another delicate step back to Delbert, sexually reignited again. Another whisper; “Kill them Delbert. It’s the only way to stop the bitch taking your life away from you. Kill them all and you can have me. Anything you want from me... anything.”  
And with that command she turned and left Grady stunned in the suite, alone. The click of the door was the only sound that filled the hotel room. Without realising it Delbert was walking to the door after her, he had questions to asks, all of which were flooding back into his mind along with his conscious rational thought.
He opened the door not ten seconds after her but could not see her along the straight corridor. She must have slipped back into one of the rooms she was hiding in he presumed. After all how else had she managed to stay in the hotel for so long.
Grady closed the large wooden door and slide down the back of it, coming to a rest once more on the thick brown carpeted floor. Still soft and comforting to his touch. He thought about what the girl had said to him. Could he really do it? In all honesty he had contemplated doing it last night, but the drink had gotten the better of him and before he knew it he was to drunk to walk let alone murder. But now, now that he had a real reason, a purpose to doing the unspeakable act. He could have the girl of his dreams with three easy, necessary killings.
Delbert  knew what he must do and with the adrenaline returning to his blood he stood steadily to his feet. He reopened the door and began to stalk the halls. He would need a weapon, something practical.
As Delbert Grady stumbled along the corridors of the Overlook hotel in search of a weapon to commit murder with, he was excited prospect of killing his wife and children.
Claire wandered dreamily across the room she shared with her sister, to the bathroom. She sat down and did a wee whilst trying to wake up, knowing that there was a reason for her early rise other than her desperation to use the toilet. The eldest Grady daughter washed her hands and splashed some cold water over her face, something her dad always did and something she presumed would help her concentrate. Claire patted her face with a thick warm towel that they had bought from home and she gave it a sniff, the last remnants of her home life still trapped within the odour of the soft material.
She shuffled back into the bedroom and clambered back into her single bed, trying to be as quiet as possible as to not wake her sleeping sister. She lay down in bed and stared at the green luminous glow that the digital clock gave out. 6:30 a.m. the clock read.
Claire shivered under the duvet, the cold having been let in when she went to the bathroom.
There was a muffled voice from upstairs and Claire twisted round to face the ceiling, straining her ears to listen. Had she imagined it? She lay listening for a very long time before she heard it again.
She was sure she had heard it, she leant forward and leaned over the edge of the bed, looking into her parents bedroom.
Her mother lay there, on her back, arm dangling over the edge of the bed, head turned away from the side lamp which was giving out a soft glow. The covers pulled over her. Although young, Claire could see her mother was troubled, even whilst asleep. The creases of her face deep and permanent. Her father’s side of the bed was empty and from what Claire could see he had not slept there all night, again.
Claire got out of bed again and tip-toed over to the door, pulling her dressing gown from the hook at the back as she went. Her father had stopped talking in the room above but she still wanted him with everyone else. Claire was worried about him, she was much like her mother in more than a few ways.
She swung the dressing gown around her body and tied the belt tightly. She slipped on a pair of shoes and quickly checked that her sister was still asleep, no need getting her worried as well. When Claire saw the Mary was fast asleep, breathing deeply under her covers she left the room and crept out of the family suite.
Delbert span the wooden handle around and around in his hands as he walked through the main reception area.
After wandering the halls for almost half-an-hour he had found the hatchet down in the basement under piles of old newspapers and knew that this was his weapon of choice.
His initial thought had been to get a knife from the kitchen, nice and simple, but something had stopped him. Somewhere deep inside him, in some twisted black ball the lay in the pit of his stomach there had been a voice that told him they wouldn’t splatter with a knife. That it would be too quick and easy with a knife. So he had gone looking for something which would please the voice, something more murdersome.
Delbert reached the foot of the grand staircase. He followed the banister up to the top with his eyes, taking in every detail of the beautifully crafted wood, every twist and turn of the wood was perfectly shaped. Grady place his left hand on the wood letting the hatchet swing beside him in his right hand. He stroked the wood softly, similarly to the soft brown carpet from the bathroom floor. The wood was cold under his hand.
Delbert seemed to freeze in place, as if suddenly realising where he was and not being sure whether he should make a move or not. Suddenly in a fluid and meditated fashion his lifted the hatchet high over his head and swung it down violently onto the wood. Upon impact it splintered, sending shards of wood flying in all directions. The deep brown of the banister had been split and replaced with a chipped light cream colour. The sound of the hatchet swinging down had been quickly replaced by the almighty crack that was given off by the wood.
Grady was laughing. He hadn’t been so happy about anything for as long as he could remember. He was happy and excited, the site of the splintered wood had his heart racing at the very thought of what he was going to do. If the blade of the hatchet could do that much damaged to wood he loved the thought of the damage it could induce to his children. He was almost giddy with joy at the thought of the blade breaking the flesh and bone of his daughters.
Grady’s laughter cut out with a yelp. He span round to face the top of the stairs to find Claire standing in her dressing gown, gawping at him. Delbert’s eyes tightened the way a predator does when it sees its prey. Claire must have sensed that her role had now become prey because she suddenly turned and ran faster than she ever had done.
The adrenaline raced into Delbert’s blood, the thrill of the chase fully upon him. He ran up the stairs two at a time, bounding after his daughter with the excitement of a Labrador puppy. The hachet blade glinting in the light as he ran.
“Claire! Claaaaaaire! Come here, I wana show you sumin’!” The excitement had taken over. Grady was barely touching each step. Barely aware of anything other than the blade of the hatchet, his own heartbeat and him catching up to Claire. He was almost up the stairs and she had only just gotten around the corner.
Then his right foot hit the top step only to slide of the edge again. Then his knee and shin hit the steps with a crack of shocking similarity to the wood. Delbert was sent tumbling backwards down the stairs, hitting a different part of his body with agonising pain as he went. He landed, slumped on the floor with the hatchet just to the side of him, some how not having pierced Delbert’s skin.
Delbert lay still of the wooden floor.
Mary woke from her dream with tightly squinted eyes. She was unaware of the real world apart from hands on her shoulders shaking her.
“Wh...-?”Mary’s throat was dry and stiff.
“Mary, we have to go, right now.” It was her mother’s voice. “Come on Mary, we have to hide.”
Mary slowly came round and took in her surroundings. Her sister was crying, tears streaming down her eyes. Her mother was the same, but much more controlled about it, she had to be. Without really knowing what was happening she sleepily agreed and swung her legs out of bed and into her fluffy cream slippers. Julie put Mary’s coat on her and then hurried the girls out of the room.
Julie had been woken by Claire storming into the bedroom, she quickly explained what had happened and Julie had cried from the moment she had heard her husband had a hatchet. She knew that they were in trouble, the drink had gotten to him and they would have to hide until it was over. If it was ever going to be over.
The three Grady girls quickly left the family suite and hurried in the opposite direction of the main stairs and headed to the fire exit at the end of the hall which led down towards the kitchen. Julie reckoned they were best to hide in there as there were the most exits to which they could escape or he could come in.
The three of them crept into the kitchen and huddled together in the far corner where they could watch all of the doors. They sat, listened, hope and waited. They all cried silently. 

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